TB 1-1520-237-20-179
(2) DA Form 2408-13, Aircraft Status Information Record.
(3) DA Form 2408-13-1, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
(4) DA Form 2408-16, Aircraft Component Historical Record (Main Rotor Spindle Assembly).
(5) DA Form 2410, Component Removal and Repair/Overhaul Record (If spindle assembly
replacement is required).
(6) DA Form 2408-18, Equipment Inspection List
15. Weight and Balance. N/A.
16. Points of Contact.
a. Technical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Dan Kardell, AMSAT-R-ECU, DSN 693-1687 or commer-
cial (314)263-1687.
b. Logistical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Joe Hoover, SFAE-AV-BH-L. E-Mail address is hoov-
erj@peo2.stl.army.mil, DSN 693-0484 or commercial (314)263-0484, fax extension 1898.
c. Wholesale materiel point of contact (spares) for this TB is Mr. Val Buchmiller, AMSAT-I-SABA, E-
Mail address is vbuchmil@stl.army.miI, DSN 693-6059. commercial (314) 263-6059, fax extension 6650.
d. Forms and records point of contact for this TB is Ms. Ann Waldeck, AMSAT-I-MDM, DSN 490-2318
or commercial (314)260-2318.
e. Safety point of contact for this TB is Mr. Jim Wilkins, AMSAT-R-X, DSN 693-2258 or commercial
f. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) recipients requiring clarification of action advised by this TB should
contact Mr. Ron Van Rees, AMSAT-I-IAF, DSN 693-7844 or commercial (314)263-7844. Datafax is
g. After hours contact ATCOM Command Operations Center (COC) DSN 693-2066/2067 or commer-
cial (314)263-2066/2067.
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31-E, block no. 3616, requirements for
TB 1-1520-237-20-179.