TB 1-1520-237-25-1
determine the impact of the defect on the unit's operational schedule, and ensure that required actions are scheduled as
expeditiously as possible to minimize the impact on the operational unit.
(c) Critical: Critical defects identified during the JACE inspection will be corrected before the aircraft is
put back in service. The Unit Commander and the affected service will determine the level of maintenance for the
repair. If the repair is at the depot level, the affected service will be responsible for scheduling either depot field team or
depot induction to evaluate or correct the defects. The repair will be scheduled expeditiously as possible to minimize the
impact on the operational unit.
Reporting and Documentation:
a. Forms: The JACE results will be reported to the Unit Commander for corrective actions, and to the Trend
Analysis Database Administrator. The JACE Team will complete the JACE Administrative Procedures Form, the JACE
Checklist, and Discrepancy Summary Form(s) in accordance with the official publication of JACE procedures. After the
evaluation, the JACE Team will enter the JACE results in the automated JACE database, and will brief the Unit
Commander on the results of the JACE. The aircraft records will be annotated, and the Administrative Procedures Form,
JACE Checklist, Discrepancy Summary Form(s), and a copy of the results on computer disk will be forwarded to the
Trend Analysis Database Administrator for incorporation into the database. After the database administrator verifies the
data from the hard copy reports with the data transmitted from the field, the Administrative Procedures From, the JACE
checklist, the Discrepancy Summary Form(s), and a copy of the computer disk will be forwarded to the affected service
The evaluation team will report to the affected service PPOC the serial number of all aircraft that were not available for
the evaluation over the period of their stay.
b. Unit Out-briefing: The JACE Team Leader shall provide an out-briefing to the Unit Commander on the JACE
results. The briefing will be consistent with the overall aircraft condition reported on the Administrative Procedures Form.
A copy of the JACE Checklist, Discrepancy Summary Form(s), and Administrative Procedures Form will be provided to
the Unit Commander The Unit Commander will be required to formally acknowledge, by signature, the outbrief and JACE
results c. Aircraft Record Entry: The JACE Team Leader will annotate each aircraft record with the JACE inspection
date and signature.
d. Record Keeping: The affected service will maintain the original JACE Administrative Procedures Form,
Discrepancy Summary Form(s), and Checklist. The Administrative Procedures Form, Discrepancy Summary Form(s),
and JACE Checklist will be filed by aircraft tail number, and will be maintained until the aircraft undergoes a
comprehensive depot-level rework program.