TB 1-1520-237-25-2
(f) Main Gearbox Mounting Feet: Closely inspect area around the main gearbox mounting feet for any
evidence of corrosion, shifting, loose or missing fasteners, or cracking. The main gearbox should be
pulled to allow closer examination of the mounting pads and main transmission support beams if any
of these conditions exist.
(g) Any discrepancies that would require the replacement of a main transmission support beam
automatically qualify the aircraft for depot repair.
(h) Flight Control Deck: Examine the flight control deck and rescue hoist support for evidence of cracks,
excessive wear, corrosion, and loose or missing fasteners.
(i) Exhaust Ejectors: Check the exhaust ejectors and Hover Infrared Suppression System Module (if
installed) for cracks, chafing, and loose or missing fasteners. Inspect under the number 1 and 2 inlet
ducts for fretting damage to the titanium decking. Main Landing Gear Evaluation
(Air Force): Remove main landing gear strut access panels. Examine mounting areas of main
landing gear for corrosion, cracks, excess wear, and loose or missing fasteners.
(b) Examine the drag beam attachment fitting for cracks, scratches, dents, and loose fasteners.
(c) Deleted.
Change 1 A-19