TM 1-1520-265-23a.Place probe on a good area in the inspection location and null. Adjust phase as required to obtain horizontal lift-off.b.Inspect the part.c.Any signal similar to the notches in the test block are cause for rejection.NOTEEither probe identified in paragraph may be used depending primarily on the ease ofaccessibility and user friendliness. If the probes are changed, steps b. (1), (2), and (3)shall be repeated each time a change is made. Marking and Recording of Inspection Results. Mark and record inspection results as required by paragraph1. BackupMethod. None required.4.22.5. SystemSecuring. The drag beam, if removed, requires installation in accordance with the applicable technicalmanuals listed in Table 1-1.4.23. MAIN LANDING GEAR DRAG BEAM (MT).4.23.1. Description(Figure4-1.IndexNo.23). The drag beam is a cylinder attached to the airframe at one end and tothe shock strut at the other, which transmits landing loads to the airframe and shock strut and to which the wheel isattached.4.23.2. Defects. This inspection is used to verify crack indications found visually on the drag beam. Particular attentionshall be given to the jackpad hole and adjacent flat surfaces. No cracks are allowed.4.23.3. PrimaryMethod. Magnetic Particle. NDI Equipment and Materials. (Refer to Appendix B.)a.Magnetic Particle Inspection Probe/Yokeb.Magnetometerc.Black Lightd.Fluorescent Magnetic Particles, refer to Table 1-8e.Consumable Materials, refer to Table 1-8f.Aircraft Marking Pencil, refer to Table 1-8NOTEHand-held magnetic coil may be used. Refer to paragraph and Figure 1-6.4-54
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