TM 1-1520-265-23
When the system and part name are known:
Turn to the applicable section of the manual covering that system. Refer to the system inspection index table at
the beginning of the section. If the item is listed, the corresponding paragraph and figure number will be
referenced in the table.
Turn to referenced inspection paragraph and figure for detailed inspection information.
1.1.3. Inspection Item Code. When inspection items, due to their proximity, are grouped in one illustration, the figure will
be indexed using the inspection item code. This code consists of digits separated by dashes.
In the text, the inspection item is identified as follows:
The first digit refers to the section of the manual in which the item appears. Example: Paragraph 2.5 is found in
Section II.
The second digit refers to the item number or order that the part procedure occurs in the manual section.
Example: Paragraph 2.5 refers to item number 5.
1.1.4. Use of NDI Symbols. Nondestructive inspection symbols and their application to detail inspection figures are
shown in Figure 1-1. In the main figures of each section, NDI symbols representing the type of inspection associated
with a part will appear next to the item number on the figure.
1.1.5. Use of Reference Publications. This manual is applicable to the H-60 helicopter series. The technician shall be
responsible for using the applicable referenced TM for the helicopter being inspected.
1.1.6. Related Publications. Supporting TMs and reference materials are listed in Table 1-1.
1.1.7. Description. The H-60 helicopter series are twin turbo shaft engine aircraft. The primary mission of the UH-60A
and the UH-60L is the transportation of troops, litter patients, and equipment. The EH-60A primary mission is electronic
surveillance of selected targets using sophisticated intercept and direction-finding equipment. The UH-60A and EH-60A
helicopters are powered by T700-GE-700 engines while the UH-60L is powered by T700-GE-701 C engines. The T700-
GE-701 C has a digital electronic engine control (DEC) while the -700 has an electrical engine control (EEC) unit.
The primary structure is aluminum alloy with titanium, steel, and reinforced plastic in secondary and nonstructural
members. The UH-60A and UH-60L have 12 troop seats in the helicopter midsection. The EH-60A has a mission
operator and an observer seat along with surveillance equipment in the same area. All H-60 helicopter series have
pilot/copilot accommodations.
1.1.8. Configuration. The general configuration of the H-60 helicopter series is shown in Figure 1-2.
1.1.9. Stations, Waterlines, and Buttlines. Stations, waterlines, and buttlines (in inches) are used as an accurate method
of locating or Installing equipment in the airframe. See Figure 1-3 for stations, waterlines, and buttlines for this