TM 1-6625-724-13&P0060 000060 00-1REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTINTRODUCTIONScopeThis RPSTL lists and authorizes spare and repair parts; special tools; special test, measurement, and diagnosticequipment (TMDE); and other special support equipment required for performance of AVUM/AVIM maintenance ofthe Test Set, Aviation Vibration Analyzer (AVA). It authorizes the requisitioning, issue, and disposition of spares,repair parts and special tools as indicated by the source, maintenance and recoverability (SMR) codes.GeneralIn addition to the Introduction work package, this RPSTL is divided into the following work packages:1.Repair Parts List Work Packages. Work packages containing lists of spares and repair parts authorized bythis RPSTL for use in the performance of maintenance. These work packages also include parts that must beremoved for replacement of the authorized parts. Parts lists are composed of functional groups in ascendingalphanumeric sequence, with the parts in each group listed in ascending figure and item number sequence.Sending units, brackets, filters, and bolts are listed with the component they mount on. Bulk materials arelisted in item name sequence. Repair parts kits are listed separately in their own functional group and workpackage. Repair parts for repairable special tools are also listed in a separate work package. Items listed areshown on the associated illustration(s)/figure(s).2.Special Tools List Work Packages. Work packages containing a list of special tools, special TMDE, andspecial support equipment authorized by this RPSTL (as indicated by Basis of Issue (BOI) information in theDESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) column). Tools that are components of common tool setsand/or class VII are not listed.3.Cross-Reference Indexes Work Packages. There are two cross-reference indexes work packages in thisRPSTL: the National Stock Number (NSN) Index work package and the Part Number (PN) Index workpackage. A list, in National Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence, of all National Stock Numbered itemsappearing in the listing, followed by a list in alphanumeric sequence of all part numbers appearing in thelistings. National stock numbers and part numbers are cross-referenced to each illustration figure and itemnumber appearance.Explanation of Columns in the RPSTL Work PackagesITEM NO. (Column (1)). Indicates the number used to identity items called out in the illustration.SMR CODE (Column (2)). The SMR code is a 5-position code containing supply/requisitioning information,maintenance level authorization criteria, and disposition instruction, as shown in the following breakout:Source CodeMaintenance CodeRecoverabilityCodeXX1st Two XXXPositions3rd Position4th PositionHow to get an itemWho can install, replaceWho can do complete Who determinesor use the itemrepair* on the itemdisposition actionon an unserviceable item*Complete Repair: Maintenance capacity, capability, and authority to perform all corrective maintenance tasks ofthe "Repair" function in a use/user environment in order to restore serviceability to a failed item.1.Source Code. The source code tells you how to get an item needed for maintenance, repair, or overhaul ofan end item/equipment. Explanations of source codes follow:
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