TB 1-1520-237-25-2
1.7.4 Aircraft Record Entry: The JACE Team Leader will annotate each aircraft record with the JACE
inspection date and signature.
1.7.5 Record Keeping: The PPOC for the affected service will maintain the original JACE Administrative
Procedures Form, Discrepancy Summary Form(s), and Checklist. The Administrative Procedures Form,
Discrepancy Summary Form(s), and JACE Checklist will be filed by aircraft tail number, and will be
maintained until the aircraft undergoes a comprehensive depot-level rework program.
2.1 ACCOMPLISHING THE JACE: The JACE Team is responsible for the overall conduct of the JACE in
accordance with this directive. The unit, at a minimum, will provide a unit Quality Assurance (QA) representative
and an aircraft technician(s), as necessary, to assist the JACE Team.
2.1.1 Local Briefing and Setup:
(a) The Unit Commander will provide an orientation briefing to the JACE Team. The briefing will include
safety issues, local procedures for exiting and entering aircraft inspection area, access to a
telephone and telephone procedures, access to a desk and work area, location of technical data, and
aircraft peculiarities. The aircraft records will be made available to the team.
(b) The Unit Commander will ensure that the aircraft is prepared for the inspection. Specifically, all
access and inspection doors and panels will be removed in accordance with paragraph 2.2.2.
(c) The briefing will identify the PPOC for the affected service, evaluation team members, and any new
procedural changes, and will provide an explanation of how the JACE will be executed at the unit.
2.1.2 Aircraft Location: The Unit Commander will ensure all scheduled aircraft are available for the
inspection. Aircraft should be positioned to allow for maximum effectiveness of the team's time. Also,
where possible, aircraft will be placed in a hangar to facilitate the inspection. If convenient, the Unit
Commander will provide transportation for the evaluation team when aircraft are at a remote site within a
two-hour one-way flight from their home field or base. The Unit Commander will arrange the flight and
maintenance schedules to ensure that the inspection is not delayed unduly due to aircraft nonavailability.
2.1.3 Problem Resolution: If a JACE-related problem arises that cannot be resolved locally, the problem
will be addressed to the PPOC of the affected service for resolution/mediation.
2.1.4 Exit Briefing: The JACE Team Leader shall provide an exit briefing on the inspection results. The
briefing will convey to the Unit Commander the presence of any major and/or critical defects by aircraft serial
number. The Unit Commander shall sign the JACE Checklist to indicate that the briefing has been
accomplished, and the Team Leader shall provide a copy of the JACE Checklist, Administrative Procedures
Form, and Discrepancy Summary Form(s) to the Unit Commander.
2.2.1 Administrative Procedures: Examine the aircraft record and complete items 1-18 on the
Administrative Procedures Form. After the inspection, complete items 19, 20, and 21. Instructions to
complete the form follow.