TB 1-1520-237-25-2
2.5.4 Record Keeping: The affected service will maintain the original JACE Summary Report.
2.6.1 Evaluation Team: The evaluation team will be responsible for accomplishing the JACE and
reporting the results. The JACE Team is authorized by the affected service to evaluate and classify defects identified
during the conduct of the inspection, to document and report these defects to the Unit Commander, and to recommend to
the affected service and Unit Commander the disposition of the defect and flying status of the aircraft, prior to any
necessary repair actions.
2.6.2 Unit Commander: The Unit Commander is responsible for ensuring that the aircraft to be
inspected are made available to the team, and have been prepared as specified in the official publication of JACE
procedures. The Unit Commander is responsible for ensuring that the team is provided access to a working space and
phone and/or fax capabilities. After review and acceptance of the evaluation team's report, the Unit Commander is
responsible for negotiating the schedule and nature of maintenance action for major and critical defects.
2.6.3 Affected Service Principal Point of Contact (PPOC): The PPOCs (lead and participating) are
responsible for ensuring that all Government interests are met, and all requirements of the JACE are accomplished for
the respective service. The PPOC also is assigned responsibility and authority to perform all, or portions of, airframe
depot program management functions to support the JACE effort. The JACE process shall be subject to evaluation and
certification by the PPOCs to determine its effectiveness in supporting the requirements established in this directive,
drawings, Technical Instructions, Technical Orders (T.O.s), Technical Manuals (TMs), and other supporting documents.
The designated PPOC for each service is as follows:
Department of the Army
Building 131, Midway Street
Mail Stop 55
Corpus Christy Naval Air Station
Corpus Christy, Texas 78419
Air Force:
Department of the Air Force
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center/LUH Special Operations Forces System Program Office
226 Cochran Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1622
2.6.4 Trend Analysis Database Administrator: The database administrator is responsible for the
storage and maintenance of all JACE records received. The administrator also provides data as needed for each service
to develop respective reports and summaries. Administrator will assure that the database contains a complete record for
all aircraft that have been JACE evaluated.
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