TB 1-1520-237-25-2 WASH WATER QUALITY - During in-brief, request that the source
of wash water be identified. Natural sources such as lakes, rivers, reservoirs, wells, etc., water from
which is not processed by a municipalitiy. Chemical treatments other than softening are referenced
by the term "Treated". Softening is a chemical, desalination, or distillation process. AIRFRAME WASE CYCLE - Report from among none, daily, bi-
weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually, the greatest period that does not exceed the
time frame recounted by the local maintainers. Use narrative to report the NSN of the primary clean-
er/solvent used for degreasing parts. ENGINE WASH CYCLE - Report from among none, daily, bi-week-
ly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually, the greatest period that does not exceed the time
frame recounted by the local maintainers.
2.2.1 Visually evaluate structure and components for corrosion. Report corrosion
conditions found. Corrosion conditions are reported by making entries in the CPC checklist (Ta-
bleE-1). Entries consist of
marking appropriate condition indicators as
well as
narrative descriptions.
While most of the reporting between structures and components is common to both, there are slight
variations as follows.
Reporting common to both structures and components: MAINTENANCE REQUIRED - Select one. Codes for completing
the column are found in Table E-2, codes for Reporting Maintenance Required. INTRUSIVE - Mark as necessary when it appears the corroded
area has progressed out of view into adjoining structure. PROTECTION - Mark as necessary when it appears that a coat-
ing, sealant, or gasket failure contributed to the corrosion reported. INDIRECT INDICATION - Mark as necessary when corrosion is
indicated indirectly. Indirect indications include color of working fluid in power components such as
purple MIL-L-23699, and flakes from scored bearing liners. REMARKS - Use narrative to describe the location and extent of
the corrosion. Part numbers, as well as serial numbers, must be reported when corrosion is found on
any of the items listed in TB 1-1500-341-01, with the exceptions of the NAV Set Doppler, Improved
Data Modem, Inertial Navigation (EGI), and Stabilator Amplifier. Report the time remaining for cor-
roded items listed on time change DA Form 2408-16, of the aircraft logbook. For other items include
part numbers if they are readily available via stencil, data plate, etc. Do not spend excessive time
searching for a part number. Use fuselage station, waterline, and butt line measurements to the
nearest inch or so, when the item is large or otherwise nondescript. Alternately, physical features ,
such as top, bottom, number of rivets, proximity to lugs, joggles, swagings, etc., may be sufficient to
pinpoint locations on some items. Combinations of part number, reference station, and physical fea-
tures may be necessary to pinpoint location and extent.
Change 1