TB 1-1520-237-25-2 INTERMEDIATE GEARBOX - Items associated with this indicator
that are also listed in TB 1-1500-341-01 include Intermediate Gearbox. TAIL ROTOR GEARBOX - Items associated with this indicator that
can be found in TB 1-1500-341-01 include Tail Rotor Gearbox. TAIL ROTOR HEAD - Items associated with this indicator that are
included in TB 1-1500-341-01 include T/R Retention Plate O/B; T/R Retention Plate I/B; and Gear-
shaft, Bevel. TAIL ROTOR BLADES - Items associated with this indicator that
can also be found in TB 1-1500-341-01 include Tail Rotor Blade Assembly. MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS - Tail Boom and Empennage.
This indicator consists of LRUS attached to the Tail Boom, Vertical Stabilizer, or Stabilator that are
not specifically named in another indicator. Items associated with this indicator that are also listed in
TB 1-1500-341-01 include Stabilator Actuator and STAB ACT ATTCMT Bolt. MISCELLANEOUS AIRFRAME HARDWARE - Report corrosion to
standard hardware, nuts, bolts, rivets, etc. used in sheet metal assembly and the attachment of com-
ponents that do not move in relation to the airframe. When several instances of hardware corrosion
are found, it will be sufficient to report general location and quantities. Report corrosion of fasteners
and other hardware used on dynamic or electrical/electronic components to the specific indicator that
includes that component. MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS - Other areas. Includes com-
ponents not identified as part of any other indicator.
Change 1
E-11/E12 (Blank)