TB 1--2840--263--20--03
(4) Inspect suspect nozzle shield dome just ahead of brazed joint for cracks. Reference the figure showing inspec-
tion area at the following internet address: http://www.scout--attack.redstone.army.mil/, what's new. or http://www.reds-
tone.army.mil/sof/suppl/o58a0203.pdf if internet access is not avialable. E--Mail or call Logistics Point of Contact listad
g. If o cracks are found, nozzle shield is serviceable and can be reinstalled. Proceed to paragraph 9. b.
i. If one or more of the following conditions below exist on any part number heat shield from any OH--58D or H--6
(1) If Dash 3 Dome has cracked and moved away from Dash 2 Details to create a gap that is 0.10 inches or greater.
(2) If Dash 3 Dome has a hole equivalent to the area of a 1.0 inch diameter circle.
(3) If there is a piece of metal missing from Dash 3 Dome.
9. Correction Procedures.
a. If engine is not suspect or suspect nozzle shield has been replaced with a serviceable shield P/N 23073566 or
P/N 23073533 no requrring inspection is required. Write--up in accordance with paragraph 1. a. may be cleared.
ULLS--A units will use one of three 800 inspection numbers for
the 300 engine hour recurring inspections.
b. If nozzle shield is P/N 23062752 or P/N 23062750 but is not cracked annotate engine DA Form 2408--5--1 "Stage
1 Nozzle initial inspection completed at xxxx engine hours. Perform recurring inspection of shield (P/N 23062752 or
P/N 23062750) at 300 engine hour intervals in accordance with TB 1--2840--263--20--03 paragraph 8. g. through 8. k.
until it is replaced with latest shield (P/N 23073566 or P/N 23073533)". Write--up in accordance with paragraph 1. a.
may be cleared.
c. Replace damaged shield. If P/N 23062752 or P/N 23062750 is used to replace damaged shield annotate engine
DA Form 2408--5--1 "Stage 1 nozzle inspection completed at xxxx engine hours and damaged shield replaced with
another suspect shield". Perform recurring inspection of shield (P/N 23062752 or P/N 23062750) at 300 hour intervals
in accordance with TB 1--2840--263--20--03 paragraph 8. g. through 8. k. until it is replaced with latest shield (P/N
23073566 or P/N 23073533). Write--up in accordance with paragraph 1. a. may be cleared.
d. Remove Turbine module and return it to Depot as unserviceable.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
HQDA--ODCSOPS will prioritize units and repair
parts distribution as required
a. Parts Required. Items cited in paragraph12 may be required to replace defective items.
b. Requisitioning Instructions. Users have local purchase authority for a one time buy to fill immediate use, high priority
requirements for these shields. Sources include any Rolls Royce authorized maintenance center that provides only Original
Equipment Manufacture (i.e. Rolls Royce) parts for 1st. Stage Nozzle Shield. contact Logistics Point of Contact listed in
paragraph 16. b. (3) if you have any questions regarding approved local purchase sources. This authorization will expire
once stock levels are established by Wholesale Management Activities. If requisitions are submitted through the wholesale
supply system, use project code (CC 57--58) ""X19" "X--RAY--ONE--NINE"
Project code "X19" is required to track and establish
a data base of stock fund expenditures incurred by
the field as a result of SOF actions.
c. Bulk and Consumable Materials. Not applicable.