TM 1-1520-265-23Change 3 2-33NOTEEither probe identified in paragraph may be used depending primarily on theease of accessibility and user friendliness. If the probes are changed, steps (1), (2), and (3) shall be repeated each time a change is made. Marking and Recording of Inspection Results. Mark and record inspection results asrequired by paragraph BackupMethod. Fluorescent Penetrant, refer to paragraph SystemSecuring. The swashplate, if removed, requires installation in accordance with theapplicable technical manuals listed in Table 1-1.2.16 LOWER LINK (ET).2.16.1 Description(Figure2-1,IndexNo.16). The lower link provides the attaching point for therotating scissors and rotating swashplate.2.16.2 Defects. Defects may occur anywhere on the surface of the lower link. No cracks areallowed.2.16.3 PrimaryMethod. Eddy Current. NDI Equipment and Materials. (Refer to Appendix B.)a. Eddy Current Inspection Unitb. Probe, straight, shielded surface, 2 MHzc. Probe, right angle, shielded surface, 2 MHz, 90_ 1/2 inch dropd. Cable Assemblye. Adapter, probe, 2 MHzf. Reference Block, three-notched titanium (0.008, 0.020, 0.040 EDM notches)g. Teflon Tape, refer to Table 1-8h. Aircraft Marking Pencil, refer to Table 1- Preparation of Helicopter. The helicopter shall be prepared for safe ground maintenance.A partial inspection for cause (visual indications, sites of mechanical damage, corrosion, etc.) maybe performed on all exposed surfaces of the installed part using this procedure. If required, the lowerlink shall be removed in accordance with the applicable technical manuals listed in Table 1- Access. Access to the lower link is from the L/R engine cowl (Figure 1-4, Items 3T-7 and4T-8). Preparation of Part. The part shall be thoroughly cleaned. Refer to preparation of Part orArea for NDI, paragraph 1.4.4.
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