TM 1-1520-265-234.4FLUID IN HONEYCOMB CORE PANELS AND STRUCTURES (RT).4.4.1 Description(Figure4-1.IndexNo.4). This inspection is applicable to parts or components made ofmetallic/nonmetallic skins bonded to metallic/nonmetallic cores and laminations of facings of metal or fiberglass panels.The structural assembly components identified for inspection are: honeycomb panels, cabin floors, drive shaft covers,access doors and covers, cowlings, and work platforms.4.4.2 Defects. Fluid in honeycomb core of the components listed above.4.4.3 PrimaryMethod. Radiography.WARNINGRadiation Hazard Assure compliance with all applicable safety precautions set forth in TM 55-1500-335-23 (Nondestructive Inspection Methods manual) listed in Table 1-1. A hazardassociated with exposure to ionizing radiation is that serious damage can be inflicted withoutpain, burning, or other sense of discomfort during the exposure period. Radiation protectionshall be utilized in accordance with AR40-14/DLAR 1000. Equipment and Materials. (Refer to Appendix B.)a.X-ray Unitb.Tripod, X-ray tubehead standc.Film Processord.Film, Ready Pack 14 inch x 17 inche.Marking Material, refer to Table 1- of Helicopter. The helicopter shall be prepared for safe ground maintenance in accordance withapplicable technical manuals listed in Table 1- Not applicable. of Part. The identified area of interest shall be thoroughly cleaned. Refer to Preparation of Part orArea for NDI, paragraph Equipment Settings.a.Refer to Radiographic (X-ray) method, paragraph 1.4.10.b.Typical equipment settings, inspection and exposure data are given in Figure 4-4.4-10
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