TM 1-1520-265-23Change 2 5-35NOTEEither probe identified in paragraph may be used depending primarily on theease of accessibility and user friendliness. If the probes are changed, steps, (2), and (3) shall be repeated each time a change is made. Marking and Recording of Inspection Results. Mark and record inspection results asrequired by paragraph BackupMethod. None required.5.21.5 SystemSecuring. The support, if removed, requires installation in accordance with theapplicable technical manuals listed in Table 1-1.5.22 ENGINE COMPONENTS (PT).5.22.1 Description(Figure5-1,IndexNo.22). The engine components to be inspected are thepower turbine, combustion chamber and compression housing.Figure 5-21. Engine Load Demand Spindle Bellcrank Support
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