TM 1-1520-265-23
Table 1-3. Penetrant Procedure (Type I, Method A)
a. Preparation of Part:
Refer to Preparation of Part or Area for NDI, paragraph 1.4.4.
b. Precleaning Procedure:
Refer to TM 1-1500-344-23.
c. Penetrant Application:
The Penetrant may be applied by brushing, spraying, or dipping.
d. Penetrant Dwell:
Allow a minimum of 30 minutes dwell time to a maximum of 240 minutes. Extended
dwell time may require rewetting of parts.
e. Penetrant Removal/Rinse:
Rinse the part by waterwash using a low-pressure spray (pressure not to exceed 20
PSI) and a temperature of 16°C to 38°C (60°F to 100°F). DO NOT OVERRINSE.
f. Drying Operation:
The parts should be dried in a circulating air dryer with a temperature range from 38°C
to 60°C (1 00°F to 1 40°F). The time in the dryer should not exceed the time
necessary to completely dry the surface of the parts.
9. Developer Application:
The dry developer is sprayed or dusted lightly over the part to be inspected. Shake or
blow off with low, oil-free air to remove excess developer.
h. Inspect:
Perform inspection under black light.
i. Materials:
Type I, Method A, Level 3 or 4 (water washable) Penetrant.