0071 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0071 00-30TASK 4 – BALANCE TAIL ROTORNOTEThe blade with the reflective tape will be referred to inthe AVA diagnostics as the No. 1 outboard blade, rotatethe blades in the direction of rotation and the next bladeis No. 1 inboard, and the next blade is No. 2 outboardand the next blade is No. 2 inboard. See figure 13.Figure 13. Locations for Installing Optical RPM Sensor Bracket and Reflective TapePROCEDURE 3: ACCELEROMETER INSTALLATIONa. Install accelerometer (28110900) on accelerometer mounting bracket (29313000). b. Remove the screw directly above the tail gearbox support strut airframe mount. See figure 14.c. Mount the accelerometer with bracket to the tail pylon using the screw previously removed. Ensure that thebracket is oriented so that the accelerometer will be vertical using the support strut as a reference with theconnector facing up. See figure 14.d. Connect accelerometer cable (29105600) to accelerometer and secure accelerometer cable to support strut,ensuring cable is not pulled taut.
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