0071 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0071 00-32TASK 4 – BALANCE TAIL ROTOR Figure 15. Tail Accelerometer Cable RoutingPROCEDURE 4: PERFORM TAIL ROTOR BALANCE MEASUREMENTNOTETo achieve an accurate measurement, ensure tail rotorpedals are centered (flat pitch) during ground run.NOTEIf severe vibration prevents obtaining 100% (101% forAH-64D) Nr rotor speed, use the tail70 flight plan andtake the measurement at 70% Nr. The AVA diagnosticsolution for tail70 incorporates coefficients specifically forthe 70% Nr condition. Repeat balance measurement/correction at 70% Nr until 100% (101% for AH-64D) Nrcan be safely achieved. Completion of tail70 does noteliminate the requirement for the balance at 100%(101% for AH-64D) Nr.
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