TM 1-6625-724-13&P
0009 00
0009 00-1
Figure 1. Measure Sub-Menu Hierarchy .......................................................................................................................... 2
Table 1. Measurement Capabilities.................................................................................................................................. 5
Table 2. Frequency Ranges Vs. Respective Measurement Resolutions......................................................................... 6
a. Measure
The measurement operation is started by pressing F1 at the Main Menu. A sub-menu, figure 1, will appear
listing all of the Test States that are associated with the particular aircraft selected earlier. These Test States
contain all of the pre-stored setup information (such as the number of rotor revolutions that measurements are
to be taken and averaged). This kind of information is directly linked from the Flight Plan chosen for this
1. Selecting a Test State
From the list of Test States, a Test State can be selected by placing the highlight cursor over it using the
arrow keys. The screen display output can be modified by using the four function keys. The current
display state is set opposite to the function key label. To toggle between modes, press the desired
function key.
(a) DISPLAY. The label DISPLAY above the F1 function key is an option that enables the display mode
for measured Test States after data has been collected. Select this option by positioning the cursor
over a Test State in the measurement menu that has already been measured, then press the F1
function key to view the One Test State displays. (Displays here are the same ones that can be
selected from the DISPLAYS section for One Test State.) Pressing the QUIT key will cause the
displays to terminate and the main measurement screen to be re-displayed.
(b) STROBE. The label STROBE above the F2 function key is an option that executes the strobing
measurement mode for the selected Test State. Selection of a Test State is accomplished by
positioning the cursor over the desired Test State for tracking and pressing the DO key once. When
verification of setup is completed, (*) appears adjacent to selected Test State, press the F2 function
key to enter the strobed data. If more than one rotor or component can be strobed for the selected
Test State, then a menu will appear from which the user will need to choose the rotor or component
to strobe. Now, the user can strobe the blades and enter strobed based track data into the database.
A Track Entry menu will appear allowing the blade values to be entered in inches. The LEFT/RIGHT
arrow key is used to change values displayed over a decreasing/increasing value range. Pressing
the QUIT key will abort the strobe mode without causing the entered values to be added to the
database. Pressing the DO key, when finished, will add the entered values for track, for the selected
Test State, and cause the strobing to be discontinued. At this time, the main measurement screen
will be re-displayed.
(c) SETUP. The label SETUP above the F3 function key is an option that allows the displaying of the
aircraft setup configuration data. Select this option by pressing the F3 function key. A paged menu
display will appear containing information for setting up the chosen Flight Plan, such as
accelerometer locations, blade ID, and any test installation information. Exit the display by pressing
the QUIT key, which will then bring back the main measurement menu.
(d) LMT OFF. The label LMT OFF above the F4 function key indicates that limits checking is currently
disabled during measurement mode. To enable limits checking during measurement, press the F4
function key to toggle to the LMT ON label. This will cause limits checking to be done on collected
data for a successfully measured Test State (only if safety checks have been established for the Test
State in the aircraft setup file).