0009 00
TM 1-6625-724-13&P
0009 00-6
Table 2. Frequency Ranges Vs. Respective Measurement Resolutions
2 Hz to 100 Hz
0.25 Hz
0.016 Hz
2 Hz to 125 Hz
0.313 Hz
0.020 Hz
2 Hz to 200 Hz
0.50 Hz
0.0313 Hz
2 Hz to 250 Hz
0.625 Hz
0.039 Hz
2 Hz to 300 Hz
0.75 Hz
0.0469 Hz
2 Hz to 375 Hz
0.937 Hz
0.0586 Hz
2 Hz to 400 Hz
1.0 Hz
0.063 Hz
2 Hz to 500 Hz
1.25 Hz
0.078 Hz
2 Hz to 800 Hz
2.0 Hz
0.125 Hz
2 Hz to 1 kHz
2.5 Hz
0.156 Hz
2 Hz to 1.2 kHz
3.0 Hz
0.188 Hz
2 Hz to 1.5 kHz
3.75 Hz
0.234 Hz
2 Hz to 1.6 kHz
4.0 Hz
0.250 Hz
2 Hz to 2 kHz
5.0 Hz
0.313 Hz
2 Hz to 4 kHz
10.0 Hz
0.625 Hz
2 Hz to 5 kHz
12.5 Hz
0.781 Hz
2 Hz to 8 kHz
20.0 Hz
1.250 Hz
2 Hz to 10 kHz
25.0 Hz
1.563 Hz
2 Hz to 12 kHz
30.0 Hz
1.875 Hz
2 Hz to 15 kHz
37.5 Hz
2.344 Hz
2 Hz to 16 kHz
40.0 Hz
2.500 Hz
2 Hz to 20 kHz
50.0 Hz
3.126 Hz
(3) Synchronous Sampled Time Averaged Vibration Spectrum (SSTA) (Harmonic Spectrum): The
vibration spectrum averages the corresponding samples from each revolution (rev-by-rev
averaging), so that the non-harmonic components are progressively eliminated. The sample rate
is automatically adjusted to match the rotor frequency. One hundred twenty eight spectral lines
are computed from 1/4 R to 32 R in 1/4 R increments. The AVA can measure four channels and
track simultaneously using this measurement technique. This measurement type is almost
exclusively used for rotor track and balance. The external tachometer can vary from 2.0 Hz to
485 Hz. The setup in the aircraft configuration file determines the number of revs to average and
acceptable frequency range. In this case, there are two choices of data storage that can be
made. The first would be to store all 128 points of raw data collected for magnitude and phase
(SSTA measurement mode). The second would be to store only the first 12R components of raw
data collected for magnitude and phase (SSTAR measurement mode). Choosing to store the first
12 harmonic bins per R results in a decrease of disk space usage by ten times the amount
needed for the SSTA measurement mode.
(4) Average Track and Lag: The average blade track and lag for each blade can be very accurately
measured by the Universal Tracking Device (UTD), up to eight bladed rotor systems can be
monitored and the average track and lag for each blade displayed within 1 mm. The track/lag
measurements can be made simultaneously with up to four vibration channels yielding highly
correlated measurements quickly. The aircraft configuration file contains aircraft-specific track
setup information and determines the number of revolutions to collect and average into the track
7. Fault Tolerance Features
Measurements can be continued even if channel faults or filter faults occur during the measurement,
causing acquisition failures for these channels. The remaining good channels will be measured, and bad
channel data will be marked as corrupted data. Data received for the channels that were measured
successfully will be stored, including both track and vibration data. The availability of displays for the
measured data should be used as indicators of data not retrieved, along with the error messages that
appear on the screen during measurement. The user will be informed of any such errors via the error
report screen.