TB 1-1520-237-25-2
(a) The calendar date of the expiration of the aircrafts Initial Operating Period (IOP).
(b) The calendar date of the annual anniversary of the IOP after the lOP has expired.
2.2 EXCEPTIONS: The following instances constitute the only approved exceptions to the policy provisions
(a) Aircraft that have not yet reached the end of their IOP, which is defined as follows: A period of 36
consecutive months, after having been placed into service from a new condition, or after having been placed
into service following the completion of an approved, comprehensive On Condition Maintenance (OCM) for Army or Air
Force; Refurbishment for Army; Joint Depot Level Maintenance (JDLM) for all).
(b) Aircraft which have exceeded their IOP, but have not been ACE/JACE will not be placed in non-
flyable status. These aircraft will be prioritized for scheduling initial JACE inspection.
(c) Aircraft that are accident, storm, crash and/or battle damaged, or undergoing a depot level repair
operation to correct accident, storm, crash and/or battle damage. Aircraft placed into service from depot-level repair
(d) Aircraft undergoing a comprehensive, depot-level modification action, approved by the affected
service, where the induction date occurs prior to the minus 6-month window, and/or the delivery date exceeds the plus
90-day window. Aircraft placed into service from the depot-level modification action may be subject to remedial actions
(e) Aircraft deployed to an area duly designated by proper authorities within the DoD as a
Combat/Hazardous Duty Zone. Aircraft exempted by this provision are subject to remedial actions as defined in
(f) Aircraft deployed to a remote exercise site or aboard an under way vessel, whether or not the vessel
(aircraft) is deployed in a Combat/Hazardous Duty Zone. This provision does not preclude the option of conducting an
evaluation aboard a vessel or at the remote site if the transportation is provided by the owning unit or if the evaluation
can be feasibly scheduled and completed coincidentally with a port call, provided that the port is not in a
Combat/Hazardous Duty Zone. Aircraft exempted by this provision are subject to remedial actions as defined in
(g) Any aircraft exempted specifically by order of command authority equal to or greater than those listed
Air Force:
MAJCOM Logistics Management Office
Aircraft exempted by this provision are subject to remedial actions as defined in paragraph 2.2.2
unless relieved specifically from this requirement by the appropriate command authority.
2.2.1 Exemption Records: The affected service shall be responsible for maintaining records of all
aircraft exempted from the evaluation for any of the reasons defined herein, and shall transmit those records to the Trend
Analysis Database System Administrator for incorporation into the database, and to the JACE schedule administrator,
where applicable. The record must indicate the aircraft tail number; exemption rationale and authority; and the planned
remedial action to be taken.
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