TM 1-1520-265-23
2-54 Change 2
2.23.1 Description (Figure 2-1, Index No. 23). The tail rotor blade is built around two graphite
composite spars running from tip-to-tip and crossing each other at the center to form the four blades.
The blade spars are covered with cross ply fiberglass to form the airfoil shape.
2.23.2 Defects. Fluid in the honeycomb core.
2.23.3 Primary Method. Radiography.
Radiation Hazard
Assure compliance with all applicable safety precautions set forth in TM
1-1500-335-23 (Nondestructive Inspection Methods manual) listed in Table 1-1. A
hazard associated with exposure to ionizing radiation is that serious damage can be
inflicted without pain, burning, or other sense of discomfort during the exposure
period. Radiation protection shall be utilized in accordance with AR40-14/DLAR
1000.28. NDI Equipment and Materials. (Refer to Appendix B.)
a. X-ray Unit
b. Tripod, X-ray tubehead stand
c. Film Processor
d. Film, Ready Pack 14 inch x 17 inch
e. Marking Material, refer to Table 1-8. Preparation of Helicopter. The helicopter shall be prepared for safe ground maintenance.
Partial inspection for cause (visual indications, sites of mechanical damage, corrosion, etc.) may
be performed on all exposed surfaces of the installed part using this procedure. If required, the tail
rotor blade shall be removed in accordance with applicable technical manuals listed in Table 1-1. Access. Not applicable.
Maintenance Platforms/Workstands
Use only appropriate platforms, workstands, or other approved locally procured
stands and restraint equipment when working above 10 feet on helicopters in a
nontactical environment. Otherwise, personnel injury could result from accidental
falls. Preparation of Part. The rotor blade shall be thoroughly cleaned. Refer to Preparation
of Part or Area for NDI, paragraph 1.4.4.