TM 1-1520-265-23Change 2 2-7a. Select AC on the AC/DC switch.b. Place probe/yoke on part in position 1 as shown.c. Press the test switch and apply a light coat of magnetic particle media at the same time.Remove the media momentarily before removing the current. Current should be applied forno more than five seconds.d. Inspect for cracks using the black light. Marking and Recording of Inspection Results. Mark and record inspection results asrequired by paragraph Demagnetization. With the switch remaining in the AC position, place the probe/yoke legsin the same position used for magnetizing. Press the test switch and withdraw the probe/yoke fromthe part for a distance of two feet before releasing the switch.2.3.4 BackupMethod. None required.2.3.5 SystemSecuring. Clean the bolts or pins thoroughly to remove all residual magneticparticle media. Refer to Post Cleaning and restoration of Part or Area After NDI, paragraph 1.4.16.The bolts or pins require installation in accordance with the applicable technical manuals listed inTable 1-1.2.4 NONFERROUS ROTOR SYSTEM BOLTS AND PINS.2.4.1 Description(Figure2-1,IndexNo.4). This inspection is peculiar to all nonferrous bolts andpins contained within the rotor system.2.4.2 Defects. Defects may occur anywhere on the surface of the bolt or pins. No cracks areallowed.2.4.3. PrimaryMethod. Fluorescent Penetrant. NDI Equipment and Materials. (Refer to Appendix B.) Inspection equipment is listed inTable 1-7. AMS 2644 level 3 penetrant materials shall be selected from the approved list in Table1-8. Parts requiring flourescent penetrant inspection shall be cleaned prior to inspection withn--Propyl Bromide (vapor degreasing only)(Table 1--8), DS--108 (Table 1--8), Electron (Table 1--8),Positron (Table 1--8). DS--108, Electron, Positron must be followed by an acetone (Table 1--8) rinseor wipe: or drying until there is no visible solvent residue left on parts.. Preparation of Helicopter. The helicopter shall be prepared for safe ground maintenance andthe bolts or pins removed in accordance with the applicable technical manuals listed in Table 1- Access. Not applicable. Preparation of Part. Refer to Preparation of Part or Area for NDI, paragraph Procedure. Perform fluorescent penetrant inspection. Refer to FluorescentPenetrant Method, paragraph 1.4.7 and Table 1-5. Inspect area of concern. See Figure 2- and Recording of Inspection Results. Mark and record inspection results asrequired by paragraph BackupMethod. None required.2.4.5 SystemSecuring. Clean the bolt or pins to remove inspection media. Refer to PostCleaning and Restoration of Part or Area After NDI, paragraph 1.4.16. The bolts and pins requireinstallation in accordance with the applicable technical manual listed in Table 1-1.
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