TM 1-1520-265-232-8 Change 2Figure 2-4. Nonferrous Rotor System Bolts and Pins2.5 MAIN ROTOR SHAFT NUT (MT).2.5.1 Description(Figure2-1,IndexNo.5). The main rotor shaft nut threads onto the top of themain rotor shaft and holds the shaft extension in place on the main rotor shaft.2.5.2 Defects. Defects may occur anywhere on the surface of the main rotor shaft nut, especiallythe inside diameter thread roots. No cracks are allowed.2.5.3 PrimaryMethod. Magnetic Particle. NDI Equipment and Materials. (Refer to Appendix B.)a. Magnetic Particle Inspection Probe/Yokeb. Magnetometerc. Black Lightd. Fluorescent Magnetic Particles, refer to Table 1-8e. Consumable Materials, refer to Table 1-8f. Aircraft Marking pencil, refer to Table 1- Preparation of Helicopter. The helicopter shall be prepared for safe ground maintenanceand the main rotor shaft nut removed in accordance with the applicable technical manuals listed inTable 1- Access. Not applicable. Preparation of Part. The part shall be thoroughly cleaned. Refer to Preparation of Part orArea for NDI, paragraph NDI Equipment Settings. Refer to Magnetic Particle Method, paragraph Inspection Procedure. A magnetic field shall be applied to the part perpendicular to theorientation of possible cracks. Positions required for this inspection are illustrated in Figure 2-5.Figure 2-5. M ain Rotor Shaft Nut
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