TM 1-6625-724-13&P0032 000032 00-1(0032 00-2 blank)OPTICAL RPM SENSORGAIN ADJUSTMENTFiguresFigure 1. Optical RPM Sensor PN 29314700................................................................................................................... 1InitialSetup:PersonnelRequired:Aircraft TechnicianToolsandEquipment:Tool Kit, ElectriciansParts:Optical RPM Sensor PN 29314700, NSN 6625-01-327-5323EquipmentCondition:Sensor on workbencha. Remove clear cover.b. Adjust gain as indicated in figure 1.c. Reinstall clear coverOPTICAL TACHOMETER FAULT ISOLATIONOPTICAL RPM SENSOR P/N 29314700ERROR CODE 16414, TACHO OUT OF BOUNDSWhen photocell isconnected to DAU andDAU has power, redLED should illuminatewhen reflective tape isplaced in photocell’spath. LED shouldpulsate, the fasterthe pulse the strongerthe signal.Gain+-CableL.O.D.O.LEDSet gain to maximum.Adjusting screw is turnedclockwise until a click isheard or felt. If no clickis detected then turn screw15 turns. Potentiometer isclutched at end of travel,you will not damage byturning past maximum stop.D.O./L.O. Screw should beturned clockwise until it hitsstop. This will align thescrew with the D.O.Reflective tape must be clean. Make sure that you do not use your fingers to presstape into position. Use paper backing to press tape into place. Oils from your fingerscan smudge tape and reduce reflectivity. Water (rain) or oil leaks can cause sameproblem. Minimum distance from photocell to tape should be no less than 4.5 inches.3412Figure 1. Optical RPM Sensor PN 29314700 (NSN 6625-01-327-5323)END OF WORK PACKAGE
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