TM 1-6625-724-13&P0058 000058 00-1/(0058 00-2 blank)REFERENCESDICTIONARIES OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONSAR 310-25Dictionary of United States Army TermsAR 310-50Abbreviations and Brevity CodesPUBLICATION INDEXESDA PAM 25-30Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank FormsLOGISTICS AND STORAGETM 1-1500-204-23 (series)General Aircraft Maintenance ManualTM 743-200-1Storage and Materials HandlingMAINTENANCE OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENTAR 750-1Army Materiel Maintenance Policy and Retail MaintenanceOperationsDA PAM 738-751Functional Users Manual for The Army Maintenance ManagementSystem - Aviation (TAMMS-A)TM 43-0139Painting Instructions for Army MaterielTB 43-180Calibration and Repair Requirements for the Maintenance of ArmyMaterielOTHER PUBLICATIONSAR 420-90Fire and Emergency ServicesAR 55-38Reporting of Transportation Discrepancies in ShipmentsAR 735-11-2Reporting of Supply and Packaging DiscrepanciesDA PAM 25-40Administrative Publications: Action Officers GuideFM-21-11First Aid for SoldiersTM 750-244-1-4Procedures for the Destruction of Aviation Ground SupportEquipment (FSC 4920) to Prevent Enemy Use
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business