0059 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0059 00-22.May perform all maintenance functions authorized to be done at AVUM. Repair of equipment for return touser will emphasize support of operational readiness requirements. Authorized maintenance includesreplacement and repair of modules/components and end items that can be accomplished efficiently withavailable skills, tools, and equipment.3.Establishes the Direct Exchange (DX) program for AVUM units by repairing selected items for return tostock when such repairs cannot be accomplished at the AVUM level.4.Inspects, troubleshoots, performs diagnostic tests, repairs, adjusts, calibrates, and aligns aircraft systemmodules/components. AVIM units will have the capability to determine the serviceability of specifiedmodules/components removed prior to the expiration of the Time Between Overhaul (TBO) or finite life.Module/component disassembly and repair will support the DX program and will normally be limited totasks requiring cleaning and the replacement of seals, fittings, and items of common hardware. Airframerepair and fabrication of parts will be limited to those maintenance tasks that can be performed withavailable tools and test equipment. Unserviceable reparable modules/components and end items thatare beyond the capability of AVIM to repair will be evacuated to depot maintenance.5.Performs aircraft weight and balance inspections and other special inspections that exceed AVUMcapability.6.Provides quick response maintenance support, including aircraft recovery and air evacuation, on-the-jobtraining, and technical assistance through the use of mobile maintenance contact teams.7.Maintains authorized operational readiness float aircraft.8.Provides collection and classification services for serviceable/unserviceable material.9.Operates a cannibalization activity in accordance with AR 710-2 (Supply Policy Below the WholesaleLevel) and DA PAM 710-2-2 (Supply Support Activity System Manual Procedures). The aircraftmaintenance company within the maintenance battalion of a division will perform AVIM functionsconsistent with air mobility requirements and conservation of personnel and equipment resources.Additional intermediate maintenance support will be provided by the supporting non-divisional AVIM unit.Depot- The printed wiring assemblies (PWAs) are sent back to the depot/factory for repairs.The Tools and Test Equipment Requirements work package (immediately following the MAC) lists the tools and testequipment (both special tools and common tool sets) required for each maintenance function as referenced from theMAC.The Remarks (immediately following the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements) contain supplemental instructionsand explanatory notes for a particular maintenance function.Use of the MACNOTEApproved item names are used throughout this MAC.Generic terms/nomenclature (if any) are expressed inparentheses and are not to be considered as officialterminology.This MAC assigns maintenance functions to the lowest level of maintenance, based on past experience and thefollowing considerations:Skills availableWork time requiredTools and test equipment required and/or availableOnly the lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform a maintenance function is indicated. If the lowestmaintenance level cannot perform all tasks of any single maintenance function (e.g., test, repair), then the highermaintenance level(s) that can accomplish additional tasks will also be indicated.
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