TM 1-6625-724-13&P0066 000066 00-1/(0066 00-2 blank)EXPENDABLE / DURABLE ITEMS LISTINTRODUCTIONScopeThis work package lists expendable supplies and materials you will need to operate and maintain the AVA Test Set.This listing is for information only and is not authority to requisition the listed items. These items are authorized to youby CTA 50-970, Expendable/Durable Items (except Medical, Class V, Repair Parts, and Heraldic Items), or CTA8-100, Army Medical Department Expendable/Durable Items.Explanation of Columns in the Expendable/Durable Items ListColumn (1) - Item Number. This number is assigned to the entry in the list and is referenced in the narrativeinstructions to identify the item (e.g., Use cleaning compound, item 5, WP 0098 00).Column (2) - Level. This column identifies the lowest level of maintenance that requires the listed item.C - Operator/CrewO – Unit/AVUMF - Direct Support/AVIMH - General Support D – DepotColumn (3) - National Stock Number (NSN). This is the NSN assigned to the items that you can use to requisition it.Column (4) - Description. Indicates the Federal item name and; if required, a description to identity the item. The lastline for each item indicates the Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGEC) in parentheses followed by thepart number.Column (5) - Unit of Measure (U/M). This code shows the physical measurement or count of an item, such as gallon,dozen, gross, etc.EXPENDABLE/DURABLE ITEMS LIST(1)ITEMNUMBER(2)LEVEL(3)PARTNUMBER(4)DESCRIPTION(5)U/M1FSI 28107700Thread-lock adhesive, Item 24221Tube2FSI 28059900Silicone Adhesive, RTV 108Tube3FSI 28140600Permabond 910 AdhesiveTube4FSaunders 5-22Teflon Thread TapeRoll5FChemtronics CSP20Lens CleanerBox6F7930-01-064-5179Cleaner (Spray)Can7FLint-free cloth8FLint-free pad9FDry-forced air10FMS3367-4-9Tie-wrapsEND OF WORK PACKAGE
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