TM 1-6625-724-13&P0068 000068 00-1/(0068 00-2 blank)TORQUE LIMITSThe table below gives the standard torque values for studs, nuts, bolts, and screws. Exceptions to the followingvalues are given in the maintenance task where appropriate.Standard Torque LimitsTHREAD DIAMETERSTANDARD TORQUESCREWSIZE NO.THREADSPER INCHMAXIMUM TORQUE (inch-pounds)Use these torques for bolts and nuts with standard threads.63210.1 in-lbs.83217 in-lbs.2562 in-lbs.102423.8 in-lbs.NOTETo determine breakaway torque, thread nut onto screwor bolt until at least two threads stick out. Nut shall notmake contact with a mating part. Stop the nut. Torquenecessary to begin turning nut again is the breakawaytorque. Do not reuse self-locking nuts that do not meetminimum breakaway torque.END OF WORK PACKAGE
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