TM 1-6625-724-13&P0069 000069 00-9A: Left Side = ACC1B: Right Side = ACC2Figure 5. Typical Accelerometer Installation Configuratione.Connect accelerometer cable (29105605) from right side (B) accelerometer to the DAU receptacle markedACC2 and arrange armor plating adjustment cable so that it does not interfere with the accelerometer duringvibration testing.f.Remove one screw from the pilot's right ICS switch, figure 6, at station 205, buttline 20, and install Pilot HeelVertical (PHV) accelerometer mounting plate (29317300), figure 7, with a screw (MS27039-1-14 or anequivalent 1-inch long, 10/32 screw).Figure 6. Pilot Heel Vertical Accelerometer Mounting Plate InstallationRIGHTBracketScrewAccelerometerConnectorCableFRONTPilot’s ICS SwitchAccelerometerMounting Plate(PN 29317300)Screw/Washer
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