0069 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0069 00-12TASK 2 - FLAT TRACK MAIN ROTOR ON THE GROUNDPROCEDURE 1: PREPARATIONa.Install test equipment (refer to task 1).b.Operate aircraft at 100% Nr, flat pitch, and nose into the wind.c.Turn on DAU.d.Turn on CADU.PROCEDURE 2: PERFORM GROUND TRACK (GNDTRK) MEASUREMENTa.Press QUIT on the CADU until all selections are undefined.b.Use cursor keys to highlight Aircraft Type, then press DO.c.Use cursor keys to highlight UH-60, and then press DO.d.Tail Number is highlighted. Press DO.e.Use cursor keys to highlight a tail number or enter a new tail number (up to seven digits), then press DO. f.Flight Plan is highlighted. Press DO.g.Use cursor keys to highlight GNDTRK. Press DO.h.Enter the Measure mode by pressing F1. Verify that Test State FPG100 is highlighted.i.Press DO when the aircraft is stable at the highlighted selection. Verify that the aircraft is at the required TestState and press DO again. The AVA will acquire track data and return to the selection menu.j.After the measurement is completed, press DO on Finish, then press DO on Diagnostics. If measurements arewithin specified limits, press QUIT to Main Menu and perform task 3, Balance Main Rotor on the Ground.k. If measured values exceed manufacturer's desired levels, press theDO key to enter the DIAGS mode.Perform all corrections displayed on the diagnostic screen. Do not use a partial set of the adjustments. Runprocedure 2 again and verify that previously installed corrections brought aircraft ground track to withinmanufacturer’s recommended limits. NOTEIf a large track split on the ground has occurred due tolarge PCL adjustments as a result from priormaintenance and if it is determined that the rotor is toorough to continue to 100% Nr,data may be taken as lowas 70% Nr. Corrections may be used from the CADU,which should reduce the track level to an acceptablelevel allowing 100% rotor speed on next run
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