TM 1-6625-724-13&P
0005 00
0005 00-7/(0005 00-8 blank)
b. On the PC
(1) Start the RADSCOM program.
(2) Select "Maintenance Utilities" by typing M, or press the down arrow on the PC to highlight Maintenance
Utilities" and then press ENTER.
(3) Select the menu option "Format CADU RAMDISK" by typing the letter F that appears directly to the left
of the menu selection.
(4) Follow the instructions that are displayed on the PC display.
(5) When the initialization is complete, select the menu option "Exit RADSCOM" to exit the program.
(6) Follow the instructions displayed on the CADU screen.
Rebooting the CADU
There are two methods that can be used to reboot the CADU, a soft reboot and a hard reboot.
a. For a soft reboot perform the following:
(1) Turn CADU on.
(2) Press the DO and QUIT keys simultaneously. Allow 15 seconds for CADU to complete task.
b. For a hard reboot perform the following only when a soft reboot does not work:
(1) Turn CADU off.
(2) While holding pressing the HELP key, turn the CADU on.