TB 1--1520--237-20--234
b. Determine the manufacturer and serial number, to include suffix if applicable, of main rotor blade
expandable pin.
c. If main rotor blade expandable pin is manufactured by APEX Manufacturing Company, MFG CAGE
Code 2V343 serial number AP0001 through AP3800 with no suffix, or cannot be determined, proceed to para-
graph 9.a..
d. If main rotor blade expandable pin is manufactured by other than APEX Manufacturing Company,
MFG CAGE Code 2V343 and all inspections IAW UH-60-01-09 have been completed, the inspection for that
pin is complete and the red dash //-// entry may be cleared.
Correction Procedures. .
a. Immediately remove all main rotor blade expandable pins manufactured by APEX Manufacturing
Company, MFG CAGE Code 2V343, that are in the serial number range AP0001 through AP3800, and do
not have a suffix, or cannot be determined. Do not demilitarize or mutilate as instructed by UH-60-01-09 (TB
1-1520-237-20-233). Dispose of removed pins IAW paragraph 10.d. of this TB.
b. Replace the suspect pin. Before installation of the blade pin, inspect per TM 1-1520-237-23, para-
graph 5-3-9. Checking the expandable pin tension is not required.
Pins authorized for for installation.
(1) Pins manufactured by APEX Manufacturing Company, that have a serial number from
AP0001 through AP3800 with a suffix of "R", "S", or "WR", or pins outside this serial number range, are fully
conforming and normal use is authorized.
(2) Pins that have been produced by manufacturers other than APEX that have been inspected
by UH-60-01-09 (TB 1-1520-237-20-233).
d. If an APEX pin numbered AP0001 through AP3800 with a suffix of "R", "S", or "WR" is received with-
out a matching DA Form 2410, contact the 2410 hotline at DSN 897-2410 or Commercial (256)313-2410, or
email at "DATA2410@redstone.army.mil" for further instructions.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
HQDA will prioritize units for distribution of new and reworked main rotor blade pins until re-
sources are available to allow normal supply procedures.
Parts required. Items cited in paragraph 7 may be required to replace defective items.
b. Requisitioning instructions. Requisition replacement parts using normal supply procedures. All
requisitions shall use project code (CC 57-59) "X1D" (X-ray-One-Delta).
Project code "X1D" is required to track and establish a data base of stock fund expenditures in-
curred by the field as a result of message actions.
Bulk and Consumable Materials: N/A.
d. Disposition. All pins manufactured by APEX Manufacturing Company, MFG CAGE Code 2V343,
that have a the serial number AP0001 through AP3800, with no suffix, will be shipped to AMCOM NLT 30
July 2001.
(1) Send to - U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, (AMSAM-RD-SE/Tim Estes), Bldg 4762,
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5280..
(2) A copy of the packing list showing all pin serial numbers being shipped is to be emailed or
faxed to the Wholesale Point of Contact listed in paragraph 16.c.. All turn-in documents must include project
code (CC 57-59) "X1D" (X-ray-One-Delta).
e. Disposition of Hazardous Material. IAW Environmental Protection Agency directives as implement-
ed by your servicing environmental coordinator (AR 200-1).