TB 1--1520--237-20--234
fied in paragraph 1.e.(1). Provide an estimate of the cost reimbursable funding required to move serviceable
items on hand listed in paragraphs 7. to a work area, unpack the materiel, repack the materiel after inspection
by AMCOM inspectors, and to return the materiel to storage, as appropriate. Report, by original serviceable
condition code, the quantity of materiel placed in condition code //J//. Report by e-mail or datafax and provide
local point of contact.
Retail Spare Parts/Assemblies.
(1) Commanders and facility managers will report receipt of this message by email or datafax to
point of contact.
(2) Task/Inspection Reporting Suspense - Commanders and facility managers will report inspec-
port the quantity inspected by condition code and the resulting condition code. Report by email or datafax
and provide local point of contact.
d. The following forms are applicable and are to be completed in accordance with DA Pam 738-751,
15 Mar 99.
ULLS-A users will use applicable "E" forms.
(1) DA Form 2408-5-1, Equipment Modification Record (Component).
(2) DA Form 2408-13, Aircraft Status Information Record.
(3) DA Form 2408-13-1, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
(4) DA Form 2408-16, Aircraft Component Historical Record.
(5) DA Form 2410, Component Removal and Repair/Overhaul Record (only if t he blade ex-
pandable pin is removed and or replaced).
(6) DD Form 1574/DD Form 1574-1, Serviceable Tag/Label - Materiel (color yellow). Annotate
remarks block with "Inspected serviceable IAW UH-60-01-10 (TB 1-1520-237-20-234)".
(7) DD Form 1575/DD Form 1575-1, Suspended Tag/Label - Materiel (color Brown). Annotate
remarks block with "Inspected serviceable IAW UH-60-01-10 (TB 1-1520-237-20-234) .
(8) DA Form 1577-2/DD Form 1577-3, Unserviceable (repairable) Tag/Label - Materiel (color
green). Annotate remarks block with "Unserviceable IAW UH-60-01-10 (TB 1-1520-237-20-234)".
15. Weight and Balance. N/A.
Technical point of contacts are:
(1) Primary - Mr. Roger Clark, AMSAM-RD-AE-I-D-U, DSN 897-5199, Commercial (256)
313-5199. Datafax is 897-6053 or Commercial (256)313-6053, email is "roger.clark@uh.redstone.ar-
(2) Alternate - Mr. Larry Moosman (Camber), AMSAM-RD-AE-I-D-U, DSN 897-2413 or
897-6030, Commercial (256)313-2413 or (256)313-6030. Datafax is 897-3844 or 897-6053, Commercial
(256)313-3844 or (256)313-6053. Email is "larry.moosman@uh.redstone.army.mil".
b. Logistical point of contact is Mr. Joe Hoover, AMSAM-DSA-UH-L, DSN 645-7898 or (256)
955-7898, datafax is DSN 897-3778 or (256)313-3778. Email is "joe.hoover@uh.redstone.army .mil"
c. Wholesale materiel point of contact (Spares) is Ms. Julia Moore, AMSAM-MMC-VS-UA, DSN
897-2021 or (256) 313-2012, datafax is DSN 746-4591. Email is "julia.moore@redstone.army.mil".
d. Forms and records point of contact is Ms. Ann Waldeck, AMSAM-MMC-MA-NM, DSN 746-5564 or
(256) 876-5564, Datafax is DSN 746-4904. Email is "ann.waldeck@redstone.army.mil".