0071 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0071 00-10TASK 1 – TEST EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION/CHECKOUTPROCEDURE 4: TRACKER INSTALLATION NOTEIt may be necessary to replace the four aircraft screwswith longer screws in order to mount the UTD mountingbracket.a. For the AH-64A aircraft performing the following tasks:1. Remove the four outboard aircraft screws located at the top and all the way forward on the right-handForward Avionics Bay (FAB), near the forward edge of copilot’s canopy, figure 5, and install UTD mountingbracket (29240100) on the FAB with the airframe screw holes on the leading edge.2. Secure UTD mounting bracket to outboard edge of the FAB with screws long enough to pass through themating fastener and extend a minimum of two threads.NOTEIf the UTD captive mounting bolts are lost or damaged,use NAS1305-14 bolts as replacements.3. Mount UTD on inboard side of bracket, ensuring that the night lens (red lens on UTD) is below the optical lens(clear lens). See figure 5.4. Connect the UTD cable (29325701) to UTD connector. 5. Route cable through aft lower corner of the R40 panel, under the instrument panel and alongside right handcockpit fuselage wall, continue routing of cable behind CPG’s seat and around to DAU.6. Secure loose cable between R40 access panel and UTD to fuselage with cable clamps. See figure 5.7. Coil up excess cable and store in map case.8. Connect UTD cable to DAU receptacle marked TRACKER 1.9. Ensure that the TRACKER MODE switch on the front of the DAU is in the DAY position.b. For the AH64D aircraft performing the following tasks:1. Remove the four aircraft screws located on the left side Improved Extended Forward Avionics Bay (IEFAB)near forward edge, two at nose fairing joint and two at approximately six inches aft, see figure 5.2. Secure UTD mounting bracket to the left side IEFAB with screws long enough to pass through the matingfastener and extend a minimum of two threads.NOTEIf the UTD captive mounting bolts are lost or damaged,use NAS1305-14 bolts as replacements.3. Mount UTD on bracket, ensuring the arrow is pointing in direction of rotor rotation. See figure 5.4. Connect the UTD cable (29325701) to the UTD. 5. Pull excess slack from cable and store behind CPG’s seat.6. Place a cable clamp around cable and secure cable to mounting bracket attachment screw. See figure 5.7. Rotate the 5L90 cover plate 180 degrees from its original position and reinstall with the UTD cable routedthrough the cover plate notch (notch opening upward).8. Ensure that the TRACKER MODE switch on the front of the DAU is in the DAY position.
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