0072 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0072 00-4TASK 1-TEST EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION/CHECKOUTFigure 1. Typical AVA Test Setup ConfigurationNOTEIf main and tail rotor track and balance is to beaccomplished at the same time, always balance the tailrotor first. Refer to task 2.PROCEDURE 1: EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONa. Remove AVA blade tracking equipment from transport case. Check for possible damaged equipment andfrayed cables. Figure 1 is the typical AVA test setup configuration.b. Install DAU in canvas carrying case.c. Place DAU in a back seat with the connectors facing up and secure using aircraft shoulder and lap belts andcanvas straps.d. Connect the DC power cable (29317100) to the aircraft power receptacle in the overhead panel and to the DAUreceptacle marked 28 Vdc.e. Place CADU in front seat. Connect CADU to DAU cable (29325601) to CADU and to DAU receptacle markedCADU.PROCEDURE 2: MAGNETIC RPM SENSOR INSTALLATIONa. Remove forward transmission fairing.b. Place the magnetic RPM sensor bracket (29316100) over the left-front pitch horn of the fixed swashplate, fromthe top, with the 1/4-28 inch studs pointing down (see figure 2 and 3). CAUTIONInstall magnetic RPM sensor lower bracket parallelto upper bracket to prevent misalignment of upperbracket.c. Place the magnetic RPM sensor clamp (29316200) on studs, from the bottom, and secure using the 1/4-28inch self-locking nuts. Snug the nuts, but DO NOT TIGHTEN SO MUCH THAT IT BENDS THE BAR. Replacenuts as required.NOTEThe jam nuts supplied in the basic kit may be too thick.If they are too thick the alternate jam nuts are(28131100) NSN 5310-00-852-0800.ACC1 (Lat)ACC2(Vert)ACC4 (Tail)TACHO1
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