TM 1-6625-724-13&P
0072 00
0072 00-5
d. Install jam nut on the magnetic RPM sensor (27288400). Install the sensor into the bracket from the bottom,
until the end is flush with the top of the bracket. Fine adjustment of the sensor will be performed later.
e. Rotate the head so that the WHITE blade is at the 3:00 o'clock position (right side of aircraft).
f. Install a single magnetic RPM sensor striker plate (29316300) in the drain hole in the web of the rotating
swashplate that is pointing forward, see figure 2. Insert the 8/32-inch stud from the bottom, with the vane
pointing down, so that it passes over the sensor and ahead of the stud, perpendicular to the mast. Place No. 8
self-locking nut on top and tighten.
g. Turn rotor so that the magnetic RPM sensor striker plate is over the magnetic RPM sensor. Using a feeler
gauge, adjust the sensor to a gap of 0.060 ±0.010 inch clearance.
h. Tighten jam nut and install lockwire.
When routing the cable ensure it does not interfere
with flight controls and there is adequate slack to
allow collective full-up position.
i. Connect magnetic RPM sensor cable (29105403) to the sensor and route to the DAU. Connect the cable to the
DAU receptacle marked TACHO 1.
Figure 2. Single Magnetic Interrupter and Magnetic RPM Sensor
a. Open left door on induction fairing.
b. Place the accelerometer mounting bracket (29313000) over the swashplate stud and existing retaining nut at 9
oclock just below the collective scissors, so accelerometer will point as close as possible to the aircraft 9
o'clock position. See figure 3.
If the collective is raised, there is room to use a socket
when installing nut to transmission stud.
Magnetic RPM Sensor
Striker Plate
(Must lead and arrive at
Magnetic RPM Sensor
before mounting screw)