0006 00
TM 1-6625-724-13&P
0006 00-6
When routing cables, ensure cables are not routed
through areas containing moving parts or heat
sources. Cabling can become entangled in moving
parts and cause injury to personnel or destruction of
(a) Route the cables to prevent safety mishaps as per the appropriate aircraft work package in this TM.
(b) Attach the UTD to the DAU Tracker connector with cable 29325701. Attach the magnetic RPM
sensor to the DAU connector specified by the appropriate aircraft work package (e.g. Tracker 1,
Tacho 2, etc.) with cable 291054XX.
(c) Attach the accelerometers to the proper DAU ACC channels using cable 291056XX.
5. Installing Optical RPM Sensor
The Optical RPM Sensor is intended to be used as a 1/REV tachometer input to determine frequency and
phase of a rotating component. It is important to keep in mind that the operating characteristics depend
somewhat on environmental conditions. Under adverse conditions (strong backlighting, high rotating
speed, rain, or dense fog) the maximum operating range should be considered to be approximately 30
inches. Under more favorable conditions with a good reflector, it is possible to extend the range to 4 feet.
As a general rule of thumb however, 6 inches would be the nominal distance.
Table 1. Individual Input Signal Cable Types
Universal Tracking Device power from the DAU. Tracker processed
signals back to the DAU (TRACKER 1).
Magnetic RPM Sensor
Main rotor RPM (Tacho) signal to the DAU (TACHO 1).
Optical RPM Sensor
Tail rotor RPM (Tacho) signal to the DAU (TACHO 2 [in most
Accelerometer to DAU
54 mV/g accelerometer signal to DAU (ACC1, ACC2, ACC3, ACC4)
Multiple Input to DAU
One additional UTD input to the DAU (MULTI-CH)
One additional Tacho input to the DAU (MULTI-CH)
Ten additional accelerometer inputs to the DAU (MULTI-CH).
6. Installing Reflective Tape
Tape Types. The type of reflective tape used is extremely important for proper system performance. 3M
tape #7610 (NSN 9390-01-334-4357) is considered to be the standard target material because of its
strong reflection, lightweight, low profile, and excellent adhesion. The tape will not seriously affect the
balance of the rotor, and will not dislodge in flight. In wet conditions however, the 3M 7610 tape does not
perform well. An overcoat of clear tape, or using 3M #38-70 (hex pattern tape) is recommended under
wet conditions.
7. Loading Aircraft Configuration Files (Script Files)
Each aircraft type supported by the AVA has a unique aircraft configuration file. This aircraft configuration
file contains setup information for the airframe, aircraft specific measurements, Flight Plans, airframe
specific diagnostic coefficients, procedures, and displays. It is necessary to have the proper aircraft
configuration file loaded into the CADU database in order to use the AVA on the desired aircraft. This is
initially performed at the factory prior to shipment. If for any reason the desired aircraft is not already in
the database (CADU ramdisk reformat, new aircraft release, etc), follow the procedure in work package
0005 00 for loading data files into the CADU to load the aircraft setup file into the CADU. Once loaded,
the file will remain in the CADU until the database is reformatted or the file is deleted via the MANAGER