0006 00
TM 1-6625-724-13&P
0006 00-8
the driver from the installed drivers under the Change Type option. For each printer type there are often
two drivers, a standard driver and one ending in LF. If you experience data overprinting on one line, use
the driver ending in LF. Conversely, if you experience data printing on every other line, select the driver
without the LF.
5. Setting Up Printer
The AVA is designed to work with a wide variety of commercially available printers. Due to their low cost
and wide availability, it is recommended that a commercial grade printer be used for office environment
printing. The AVA can be used with either a serial or parallel printer. The Centronix parallel interface is
supported by the AVA.
The CADU has been designed with an internal print spooler. Basically this means that as the PRINT key
is pressed while DPL is executing, the graphics image that appears on the screen is stored in RAM disk
awaiting printing.
If a printer is properly attached and configured, the image will be immediately printed. If no printer is
attached, the print image is stored until a printer is attached. Up to 20 spooled screens can be stored
without printing. If more than twenty displays are spooled, the first display spooled will be discarded to
make room for the next.
6. Setting Up Printer Switch Settings
The printer must be set up to operate with the AVA. There are basically three areas of setup:
(a) Printer configuration switch setup (this is done on the printer)
(b) CADU printer type setup
(c) CADU printer port selection (serial or parallel)
Since there are a wide variety of acceptable printers, only a few printer specific switch settings will be
given in this manual. The typical printer must be set up as follows:
Hardware Interface: ...................Serial (RS-232) or Parallel Port
Parity: ........................................None
Stop Bits.....................................1
Data Bits:....................................8
Baud Rate: .................................9600
Data Protocol: ...........................ON/XOFF Disabled RDY/BSY Enabled (DTR hardware handshake)
Handshake: ................................Carrier Detect (CD) Disabled
Clear To Send (CTS) Disabled
Data Set Ready (DSR) Disabled
Paper Length: ............................11"
Emulation: .................................Choose from list on CADU
LF Definition: ..............................CR without LF
CR with LF
Character Set:............................USA Character Set
The AVA supports several compatible printers that associate a line feed with a carriage return. If this
is the case with your printer, choose the printer type with _LF when in the DPL MANAGER Menu
section, otherwise choose a printer type without _LF.
7. Configuring the CADU for Printer Type
After the switches have been set on the printer, the CADU must be configured for that particular printer.
To select the AVA printer, or any other printer type, go into the DPL MANAGER section and select the
Setup operation. Another screen will appear from which the printer operation should be selected.
8. Testing Setup
A majority of the time, the printer manuals do not accurately depict the switch locations and proper
positions. A few simple checks can be made to test the printer configuration. If the setup is not working,
review the printer switch settings and make corrections as necessary.
Establish if any communication can be made between the CADU and the printer. The following
procedures will test areas like data bits, parity and baud rate: