0050 00
TM 1-6625-724-13&P
0050 00-2
6. Pull acquisition card (9) from card cage (5).
7. Rotate extractor (11) to loosen processor card (12) from back plane connectors (10).
8. Pull processor card (12) from card cage (5).
9. Rotate extractor (13) to loosen power supply card (14) from back plane connectors (10).
10. Pull power supply card (14) from card cage (5).
11. Remove four hex nuts (16), and four lock washers (17) from four positioning bolts (18).
12. Remove front panel assembly (19) from card cage (5).
13. Remove two cable connectors (20 and 21) and two terminal rings (22) from PWA back plane (23).
14. Disconnect fan cable and terminal lug (24) from PWA back plane (23).
15. Pull fan cable and terminal lug (24) out through access hole (29).
16. Remove four screws (25), four lock washers (26), four flat washers (27), and PWA back plane (23) from
card cage (5).
17. Remove screw (30), lug ring (31), and lock washer (32) from side of card cage (5).
18. Remove four screws (33), four lock washers (34), four flat washers (35) and fan (36) from card cage (5).
1. Apply thread-lock adhesive on threaded hardware.
2. Install four screws (33), four lock washers (34), four flat washers (35), and fan (36) onto new card cage (5).
3. Install screw (30), lug ring (31), and lock washer (32) on side of card cage (5).
4. Install PWA back plane (23) into card cage (5) with four screws (25), four lock washers (26) and four flat
washers (27).
5. Connect fan cable and terminal lug (24) onto PWA back plane (23).
6. Connect two cable connectors (20 and 21) and two terminal rings (22) (TB1 red and TB2 black) onto PWA
back plane (23).
7. Install front panel assembly (19) onto card cage (5) with four positioning bolts (18), and attach with four hex
nuts (16), and four lock washers (17).
8. Install acquisition card (9) into card guides (15) pushing card into back plane connectors (10).
9. Install processor card (12) into card guides (15) pushing card into back plane connectors (10).
10. Install power supply card (14) into card guides (15) pushing card into back plane connectors (10).
11. Install PWA hold-down bracket (7) in the card cage (5) using two screws (top and bottom) (6).
12. Install enclosure (4) onto card cage (5).
13. Install four screws (1), four lock washers (2), and four flat washers (3) through four holes m the enclosure
(4) into the card cage (5).