0025 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0025 00-22Table 1. Error Reported on CADU Error Screen (cont.)Code #Message4195:Illegal Packet Size ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement4209:Too Many Arguments ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement4210:Internal Software Error ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement4211:Internal Table Overflow ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, makea measurement4212:Invalid Command from CADU ACTION: (1) Retry measurement (2) Check CADU to DAUcable (3) Check that DAU's power switch is on (4) Reboot CADU4213:Data Set Consistency Error ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds,make a measurement4214:Invalid Argument ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement4215:Not Enough Arguments ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, makea measurement4225:Illegal Tacho Channel ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement4226:Missing or Illegal Tacho Limit ACTION: (1) Retry Measurement (2) Verify SETUP - Checkand Reload aircraft script fileThe tachometer range specified in the aircraft setup file is incorrect. Verify the setup ranges.4227:Illegal Desample Rate ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement4228:Missing Async Range ACTION: (1) Retry Measurement (2) Verify SETUP- Check andReload aircraft script fileThe asynchronous frequency range is not specified in the aircraft setup file. Verify theasynchronous setup range.4229:Missing ACQ Channel ACTION: (1) Retry Measurement (2) Verify SETUP - Check andReload aircraft script fileNo acquisition channel is specified in the aircraft setup file. Verify the channel setup for SSTA,SSPA, or ASPA modes.4230:Illegal Mode ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement4231:Illegal Window Type ACTION: (1) Retry Measurement (2) Verify SETUP - Check and Reloadaircraft script fileThe window type specified for ASPA or SSPA measurements is an incorrect type. Verify aircraftsetup file.
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