0025 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0025 00-26Table 1. Error Reported on CADU Error Screen (cont.)Code #Message16405:ACQ ROM Checksum Error ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds,make a measurementThe checksum on the DAU acquisition board has returned a fault condition. Power the DAU offand on, and then try to make a measurement. If the failure persists, send unit to TMDE forrepair.16406:Zero Denominator ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement16407:Illegal Tacho Channel ACTION: (1) Retry measurement (2) Verify Setup - Check and Reloadaircraft script fileAn illegal tachometer input channel has been specified in the aircraft setup file. Verify thetachometer channel in the setup file.16408:Illegal Frequency Option ACTION: (1) Retry measurement (2) Verify Setup – Check andReload aircraft script fileAn illegal ASPA frequency range has been specified in the aircraft setup file. Verify the ASPAfrequency range in the aircraft setup file.16409:ADC Error > 12 Bits ACTION. (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurementTurn the DAU off and on, and then try to make a measurement. If the failure persists, send unitto TMDE for repair.16410:Attempt to Read Too Much Data ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20seconds, make a measurement16411:Zero Revs Specified ACTION: (1) Retry measurement (2) Verify Setup - Check and Reloadaircraft script fileA measurement has been specified with no revolutions. Check the aircraft setup file for thenumber of revolutions for each acquisition.16412:No Revs in FFT Block ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement16413:Failed to Read FIFO In Time ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds,make a measurement16414:Tacho Out of Bounds ACTION: (1) Retry measurement (2) Verify Setup - Check andReload aircraft script fileThe measured tachometer frequency is higher than the limits specified by the aircraft setup file.This is commonly caused by an aircraft with a double interrupter, when the setup file expects asingle interrupter. Verify the following:1. The interrupter is the proper type and gapped correctly.2. Rotor frequency is within the required operating range. For optical interrupters, verify the tapeis placed correctly.16415:ACQ Already in Use ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement16416:Driver Buffer Overflow ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement
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