TM 1-6625-724-13&P
0025 00
0025 00-21
Table 1. Error Reported on CADU Error Screen (cont.)
Code #
Tacho Failure ACTION: (1) Verify connection (2) Verify gap or check tape for optical
interrupter (3) Check cable
DAU is receiving no timing pulses from the external magnetic or optical tachometer. Verify the
1. The interrupter is connected to the correct channel.
2. The interrupter is gapped properly and working.
3. The optical interrupter is aimed at the reflective tape
4. The correct cable is installed and working. Repeat measurements as necessary. This is a
common problem caused by improper sensor connection to the DAU.
ACQ Processor Error ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make a
Internal hardware/software fault. Power the DAU off and on, and then try to make a
measurement. If the failure persists, send unit to TMDE for repair.
Tach Frequency Too High ACTION: (1) Verify tach Installation (2) Check tach frequency (3)
Check tape for optical interrupter
The measured tachometer frequency is higher than the limits specified by the aircraft setup file.
This is commonly caused by an aircraft with a double interrupter when the setup file expects a
single interrupter. Verify the following:
1. The interrupter is the proper type and gapped correctly.
2. The rotor frequency is within the required operating range. For optical interrupters, verify the
tape is placed correctly.
Tach Frequency Too Low ACTION: (1) Verify tach Installation (2) Check tach frequency (3)
Check tape for optical Interrupter
The measured tachometer frequency is lower than the limits specified by the aircraft setup file.
Verify the following:
1. The rotor under observation is rotating at the proper frequency.
2. The optical or magnetic interrupter is properly installed. Repeat measurements as required.
Accelerometer Saturation, Internal Channel 1 ACTION: (1) Verify SETUP (Setup/Status in
Manager Menu) (2) Change accelerometer type (3) Relocate accelerometer
Accelerometer Saturation, Internal Channel 2 ACTION: (1) Verify SETUP (Setup/Status in
Manager Menu) (2) Change accelerometer type (3) Relocate accelerometer
Accelerometer Saturation, Internal Channel 3 ACTION: (1) Verify SETUP (Setup/Status in
Manager Menu) (2) Change accelerometer type (3) Relocate accelerometer
Accelerometer Saturation, Internal Channel 4 ACTION: (1) Verify SETUP (Setup/Status in
Manager Menu) (2) Change accelerometer type (3) Relocate accelerometer
Tacho Sample rate Phase Lock Error ACTION: Decrease the rate of rotational acceleration
or deceleration
This error indicates the tachometer frequency is changing too rapidly to make accurate
measurements. Slow the rate of tachometer frequency change and repeat the measurements.
This error can occur on SSTA or SSPA vibration measurements.
Rect. Window Size not Power of Two ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20
seconds, make a measurement