0025 00TM 1-6625-724-13&P0025 00-28Table 1. Error Reported on CADU Error Screen (cont.)Code #Message16433:Sensor fault on accelerometer channel 13 ACTION: (1) Check cable (2) Checkaccelerometer16434:Sensor fault on accelerometer channel 14 ACTION: (1) Check cable (2) Checkaccelerometer16640:ABT Driver Lost Track ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement16641:ABT Unexpected EOF ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement16642:Wrong ABT Reset Code ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, makea measurement16643:Lamp Not ON or OFF ACTION: (1) Power the DAU off and on (2) Wait 20 seconds, make ameasurement16644:Not Channel 1 or 2 ACTION: (1) Retry measurement (2) Verify Setup - Check and Reloadaircraft script fileThe tracker channel specified in the aircraft setup file is incorrect. Verify tracker channel in thesetup file.16645:Track FIFO Overran - Corrupt Track Signal ACTION: (1) Check cable (2) Check Installationangle (ABT Installed backwards?) (3) Check lens (4) Verify light levelEither an incorrect number of pulses, or no pulses are being returned from the tracker. Verify thefollowing:1. The UTD is installed properly, including cable connection, installation angle, tracker arrowpointing the direction of rotation, and the sun is not shining directly into the tracker lens. 2. There is a proper light level for passive tracker or that reflective target is installed properly foractive tracker. Replace the tracker with a different unit and repeat measurements.32360: Attempt To Read Backup Directory Failed32361: Failed To Create Restore File In Database Directory32362:The File Size Of Backup File (Minus Header) Isn't A Multiple Of The Record Length Of TheCollection32363:Bad Header File In Backup File Being Restored32364:Bad Header File In Collection Type Being Backed-up32365:Failed to create backup file. Is the credit card in? Is it write protected? Is it formatted?ACTION: change the credit card batteryRepeat the backup operation. If the failure persists, send unit to TMDE for repair.32366:KERMIT Failed Because the RADS Unit Is Not Correctly Setup ACTION: (1) Repeat keysequence (2) Reboot CADUReboot the CADU and repeat the backup operation. If the failure persists, Send unit to TMDE forrepair.
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